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Noah’s Ark Was a Lark

Writer's picture: glenhaneyglenhaney

This jungle needs a rumble said the cuckoo to the kangaroo.

Then let’s fix it so we can mix it up, agreed the Roo.

Looking for an outing instead of scouting the woods for chow was like, WOW!

That overweight Ox could knock some socks and that pesky wren is a whiz at spins

But where, the Cuckoo cooed, Could all of this be dooed?

Glad you asked said a passing Giraffe, from where I sit, I see a ship where we all might fit

Hearing a roar, the biggest boar in that neck of the woods joined the tour

Picking up speed, an Arabian Steed burst into the group

Being a snoop he’d heard the word that a party was brewing

At Noah’s Ark after dark that very night.

The word was out, the blast at the ark was the place to rock

As rumors spread, the frumpy watershed dumped a ton to spoil the fun

But lo and behold, the loaded boat floated out to sea and,

At high tide, hit its stride and was last seen

Cruising towards the open sea.

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May 28, 2021

Love this line: But where, the Cuckoo cooed, Could all of this be dooed? Beautiful , amazing work, Glen.

May 28, 2021
Replying to

Thanks for your note. Glad you liked my invention of a few words!


May 28, 2021

Clever and FUN...always wondered about "the story behind the story" You're AWESOME, Glen 😘

May 28, 2021
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I never bought in to the biblical version, but mine has even less credibility. Glen

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