Autumn signals goodbye to the blue skies of summer
And a return to learning the mystery of getting through
High school. I went to see Grannie down at her little
Cottage near the beach. She was sitting under an
Umbrella with her trick knee elevated and her cat knapping
Across her lap. As I got closer, I could see she was napping too.
Startled, she sat up as the cat hopped down. The bridge we had
Built over the seventy—year gap between our ages was a well-worn
Two-way span. I helped her grow old and she helped me grow up.

I feel so fortunate to have been able to watch all our six grandchildren grow to adulthood. I have lovely memories of time with all of them - and look forward to much more... Thank you, Glen.
Brings back great memories of times with my grandmothers. Thnaks for the sweet prompt, Glen😘