As ranch boys, my brother and I often played in a hay loft
In the barn. He, older and bolder than me, taunted me endlessly
While leaping from the loft to giant stacks of hay miles below.
In a maple tree near our home, Dad hung a tiny house for blue
Birds far above the ground. In spring two new arrivals. Taking
Turns, Dad and Mom tirelessly tucked tender greens and wiggling
Worms into yawning mouths. As they grew, their house became
Wall to wall wings. We heard bird-fussing in the night. As summer
Rolled round, the hatchlings were nudged to the lip of their house
And urged to step down. The first took a pair of days of shoving
And haggling before he plummeted to an alien world and Just
Before landing unfurled his new wings! To one side Mom and Dad
Winked at each other. Whoever heard of a bird with fear of flying?
