I was walking in the park just before dark. Kids under ten were
Being tucked in. I saw a boy pulling a toy, not playing, just staying
On the sidewalk so his little red truck wouldn’t get stuck in the leaves
He was crying quietly and disconsolately while wiping his runny nose
With a soggy sleeve. I intentionally crossed his path. Not wanting to alarm,
I spoke and touched his arm. He whirled on me and grabbed my knees.
With a terrific squeeze he seemed pleased to stand in one place while
His heart still raced. It was a relief for him to share his care with me.
He had come to the park with a brother who left him in this place
While still light but now he didn’t know how to get home. We found
It easily and then his story began. He lived with the brother, having
Just lost his mother in Divorce court, adult words he was proud to
Recall unaware of the shadow they cast on him. He had no house
Key but knew how to climb through a window. I waited outside
Until a policeman accosted me on suspicion. I shared with him and
He led me into the house where we found an orange cat lying on
My friend’s side of the bed and, with that comfort, had gone to sleep.
He wasn’t scared, he knew someone that cared would call. The
Phone was cuddled next to his head.

Heartbreamovinnd loving, vivid as a movie, thank you